Any person who is serving or has served overseas in time of war, emergency, in an operational or occupational force, or multinational observers.
Returned under 65 – $25
Returned over 65 – $15

Any person who has served or is serving as a uniformed member of the Armed/Defence Forces or the NZ Police Force.
Service, Spouce & Widows
under 65 – $45
Service, Spouce & Widows
over 65 – $35

Any person Non-Military who would like to apply to join the RSA. Subject to the rules of the RSA and on approval of membership by the Executive Committee of the Te Atatu RSA.
Associate under 65 – $45
Associate over 65 – $35

Open to all individuals within the defined age range, who meet any additional criteria set by the Te Atatu Memorial RSA.
Youth 15-17 years – $20